President of Skål International Bangkok’s vision to promote women's leadership
James Thurlby, the new elected President of Skål International Bangkok, announced his vision to promote women’s leadership in Tourism business on the 8th March, the International Woman Day.
At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on the 8th March at the Arnoma Grand Bangkok hotel, James Thurlby was elected President.
Mr Thurlby, Digital Marketing Manager, Move Ahead Media commenting on the election said, “The Bangkok Club has had a long and illustrious history in the travel and tourism industry in Bangkok since 1956. My thanks go to my predecessor President Andrew Wood, who has been elected President for Asia, and the board of officers of the Bangkok club. As 8th March is International Women's Day, we are pleased to grow the ranks with women in leadership. Skål International aspires to inspire the next generation to recognize their own potential and achieve better gender equality, we’ve invited accomplished women leaders from Bangkok’s tourism industry to serve on the Executive Committee. Women represent 60% of people employed in the tourism in Asia, yet women in tourism earn less than men and many remain in low-skill or entry level positions. It's time for change”.
“Skål International has over 12,000 members worldwide, in more than 300 clubs in 98 countries. The Bangkok club is comprised of 62 tourism industry leaders. I see no reason why the Bangkok club cannot grow to be one of the biggest too. My goal in the next two years during my term is to be one of the top five largest Skål International clubs in the world”, he added.
At the club’s AGM the following committee members were also elected:
Vice President: Marvin Bemand (sitting front row, second left).
Vice President for women in leadership: Arrissra Limpisthien (sitting front row, far left).
Secretary: Michael Bamberg (sitting front row , second right).
Treasurer: John Neutze (standing back row, centre).
Young Skål Director: Dr Scott Smith (standing back row, second right).
PR Director: Kanokros Wongvekin (sitting front row, far right).
Events Director: Pichai Visutriratana (standing back row, second left).
Auditor: Tim Waterhouse (standing back row, far right).
Founded in 1934, Skål International is the only professional organization promoting global tourism and friendship, uniting all sectors of the tourism industry. Through their leadership, professionalism and friendship, members work together to maximise networking opportunities and support a responsible tourism industry.
Skål International is an advocate of global tourism, focused on its benefits–happiness, good health, friendship, and long life. For more information, please visit or
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